Penn Clubs

Penn Clubs

Discover clubs all year-round.

Getting involved in student organizations is complicated. Penn Clubs is here to help.

Penn Clubs puts students, clubs, umbrella organizations, and administrators all on one platform. We're centralizing information and streamlining communications to help you find your people at Penn.

Find your fit

The Penn Clubs directory includes over 600 student organizations from every corner of campus. Filter by club size, descriptive tags, and recruiting status to find exactly what you're looking for. Update your school, major, and year to get targeted club recommendations.

Simplified discovery and recruiting

If you're exploring new clubs, bookmark them to save them for later or subscribe to receive email updates.

If you run a club, keep your club's page updated. As students discover your group, see who's subscribed to learn more. Add additional sections to your club's page, such as Member Experiences, "How to Get Involved," and upcoming events.

Manage membership

As a student, view and manage your status with the clubs you're a part of, and keep track of the ones you've bookmarked.

As a club, maintain an updated public list of members and leaders for easier communication and accountability.

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